In 2014 only 13% of Hillsdale County Michigan was attending an evangelical Christian church. Only 26% were attending any Christian church at all - over 34,000 county residents were without a church home. Several churches, many families, and countless individuals prayed for change!
Beginning in 2015, a team supported by the Fellowship of Evangelical Churches and SonLight Community Church (Angola,IN) began meeting, praying, and planning to launch a new church plant in Reading Michigan. The Remedy held its first public worship service on Sunday September 13th 2015 at Reynolds Elementary School.
During a year of exciting growth, God used the people of The Remedy to reach their community in new ways. Many families returned to Christ, many new believers were baptized, ministry teams put down roots, and Remedy Kids became a bright spot in our small community.
God continues to use The Remedy to reach the community in and around Reading Michigan. The Remedy values authentic relationships, engaging worship, relevant teaching, and exciting children's programming.